Tracking my weight loss


Welcome to my blog about my dieting adventures, thoughts, philosophies.


Taking steps forward takes you into the unknown! Taking steps back keeps you in your comfort zone! Be adventurous today and step outside your comfort zone - life is an adventure!

Monday 20 January 2014

Emotional Eating

Been thinking lately about emotional eating - yep I am a culprit! Something goes wrong and before I know it I've munched my way through loads of grub! NOT a good thing to do! 

I think it's time to self-discipline myself into doing something else! Something goes wrong - maybe I should write a poem about it - express my feelings in rhyme and post it on my poetry blog! Or maybe I should practise the piano/flute/singing pieces I have! ANYTHING but eating!

Food is powerful and has control over many people (including me) but why should something like grub, have control? Are you strong enough to resist? Do you want something like food to rule your life? Are you in control? Let's take back control - food is inanimate, only necessary to keep our bodies functioning - eat too much and it becomes spillage (in the form of fat cells). When you fill your fuel tank in your car, or a bucket of water etc you would only fill it as far as you need - no further or it will overflow and cause a mess. Let us try and do that with our eating (I'm talking to myself as well). STOP stuffing when full or else the overflow is laid down as fat cells! 

Do you really need that dessert? Does your body really need those crisps*/biscuits**/cakes/second helpings? Think of these things as filling a fuel tank on a car  - your usual meals are made up of the food we require to keep us running BUT if we indulge and have just one tinsy winsy biscuit - that will push us into spillage - uh oh, you don't want that slimy gunk on your hips do you? STOP now - release your hand off the nozzle lever (metaphorically speaking), put the cap back/food back and step away - go pay for the fuel (with some exercise, perhaps). The biscuit**/crisps* etc will do you no good! Still feel hungry? Bet your thirsty instead - go fill up the oil tank!

We CAN do this folks! Really we CAN!

Have a fab day/week!


* UK = Crisps; US = Potato Chips
** UK = Biscuit; US = Cookies

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